The EP sounds like what you'd expect from a release from the house that L Just goes to show you how amazing the beat scene is in L. By sweeney kovar on Mar 21, One of the latest Brainfeeder releases, Lapalux's When You're Gone follows nicely along the path carved out by some of the labels luminaries like Flying Lotus, Lorn, and Teebs. In my opinion, Flavors is a testament to the new age of media, i. Releasing as Lapalux, this creative brain is gearing up for his first full length album, Nostalchic, due out this March via Flying Lotus' label Brainfeeder. Songs on this mixtape are fantastically mellow. Lapalux - Moments Ft. bahwee flavors

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ElectronicFlying Lotusidm. Creature Dreams is astonishing. We're lucky to have some new Nosaj Thing and Toro y Moi for your listening pleasure today. Songs on this mixtape are fantastically mellow. Electronichip-hopambient.

Bahwee – Flavors 2 [Album]

Lapalux - Moments Ft. Just goes to show you how amazing the beat scene is in L. While Flavors may have never been intended for release and this review is nearly a year too late, I feel like these songs deserved recognition. I discovered Bahwee while sitting on a plane, and I have to tell you that it wasn't only the fact that I was midair that made me feel like I was floating.

He is also a member of the visual art and beat collective My Hollow Drum known for producing Teebs, a childhood friend of Bahwee's and will be putting out an album on Alpha Pup.

The first song's sample -- featured from "Home Videos" -- basically sums up my feelings towards this album: Why do we like this? In my opinion, Flavors is a testament to the new age of media, i. Flying LotusdimlitePrefuse 73Teebs.

Releasing as Lapalux, this creative brain is gearing up for his first full length bahdee, Nostalchic, due out this March via Flying Lotus' label Brainfeeder. The EP sounds like what you'd expect from a release from the house that L I got the chance to talk to Bahwee and heard that he's been listening to a lot of The Weeknd and Lex Luger so, understanding that musical influence doesn't necessarily mean reflections of sound, I'm excited to see what he mentions as the logical maturing of his music.

bahwee flavors

Flying LotusTeebs. These are guys to definitely keep on your radar Bahwee's official EP debut, The Gapwill drop sometime soon.

bahwee flavors

Electronichip-hopexperimental. They're best enjoyed during a midnight drive for donuts or walking around the night markets in Asia for those of you who travel.

Bahwee - Flavors 2 - 09 Apartment 89 by mike_e playlists - Listen to music

Nosaj Thing - Try Ft. Alright, let's just cut to the chase: By sweeney kovar on Mar 21, One of the latest Brainfeeder releases, Lapalux's When You're Gone follows nicely along the path carved out by some of the labels luminaries like Flying Lotus, Lorn, and Teebs.

Nosaj ThingFlying LotusPrefuse Soothing trip hop, beats that move from side to side like a game of tennis in your head, and samples that throw you rlavors to the early Flying Lotus days -- beat tapes like these are few and far between.

I love the ethereally washed-out female voice on "Blur" and was pleasantly reminded of Prefuse 73 with tracks like "SF" and "HereisWhere. The good music just never stops coming, does it?


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