Piyawi is a costume sales assistant from a rural village. Retrieved 7 October After all, Piyawi asks forgiveness from Abhimana and asks for her lost job. At first, he refused to attend the show but in the end, he agreed to attend the show because of the request of Dewli Aruni Rajapaksha who was famous for girlfriend of Abhimana. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Adaraneeya Kathawak received mostly positive response from the critics. mage adaraneeya adare song

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It premiered on the 10 Sojg at the Regal Cinema, Colombo at 6. Retrieved from " https: Piyawi is a costume sales assistant from a rural village.

Kasun Kalhara and Uresha Ravihari.

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Retrieved 27 July A famous singer named Abhimana Jayawardhane Hemal Ranasinghe was invited to participate to a reality show as a judge. Her only goal to win the competition and to provide money to her illed father by the prize of the competition. But she was disqualified by the next round but no one imagined that she would be removed from the show because of her talentness. Adaraneeya Kathawak received mostly positive response from the critics.

Because of unjustified decision of the programme, he leave the reality show as a judge.

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The case was filed while the film making new box office records aong Sri Lanka. After all disputes, Piyawi step back to her village to carry out her family routine however she can. Bimal Jayakody is chosen personally by Priyantha Colombage for the leading supporting role in the film because of his talentness. Retrieved 11 March What will happen to the fate of Abhimana and Piyawi?

After the release of this film, a film permit granted by the Censor Board said that the case file to excessive smoking and drug uses. The leading adarre, Hemal Ranasinghe was chosen by the director Priyantha Colombage after Hemal's performance in movie Pravegaya. The reason is not so difficult to realize Abhimana that this was happened by a misunderstanding. Does she agree to attend the concert? His decision was Piyawi should go ahead in the show but this was unliked by Dewli due to the jealousyness towards the Piyawi.

Abhimana explains the talent of her and ask to join for his next concert as his co-singer. Piyawi and Abhimana met coincidently there.

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By using sonv site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Kasun Kalhara and Kushani Sandareka. National Film Corporation of Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, father of Piyawi dies. The film was released on 10 June Use dmy dates from October All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from December Articles with hAudio microformats Track listings with input errors.

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The director and the assistant director were acquitted of support and pointed out that the effects of these drugs by the youth. After explaining Piyawi about the incident, Abhimana and Uvindu invited her to come Abhimana's house and go back to Colombo.

Because of this incident, Abhimana get shocked and more anger. He mostly praised the performance of Bimal Jayakody in the film.

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Piyawi blame out Abhimana that he is the key reason why she is out from the competition. But Piyawi thinks that Abhimana is the reason why she adaer out from the programme and she was angry about the reason.

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Abhimana and Uvindu go to the remote village where Piyawi live to find an answer. All these problems get answered by the film Adaraneeya Kathawak. Most reviews praised director Priyantha Colombage and stated that this was the best creation among his films.


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