How long will Symantec Network Access Control be supported? Those who require advanced network access control capabilities should speak to their current network device providers whose products may have already incorporated this technology. Please refer to the EOL timeline below. There is no Partial Support period for this product. What happens if a customer needs to replace the network card? What is Symantec announcing? Customers will have to maintain an active maintenance license for the appliance in order to access hardware warranty support through Symantec. symantec snac

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In addition, Symantec does not sell hardware warranty extensions.

Which regions are impacted? How long will Symantec Network Access Control be supported? There will be no free entitlement and migration services offered.

symantec snac

Is there a Partial Support Period? The growth of Bring Your Own Device BYOD and symwntec integration of access control technology into networking devices offered by most network hardware vendors have reduced the need for standalone NAC solutions.

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What happens if a customer needs to replace the network card? If the customers symantef to purchase extra components, they can contact Dell directly to purchase.

The discontinuation of Symantec Network Access Control will free up valuable resources to focus on our endpoint security offerings, including advanced threat protection and protection from newer security risks that impact your enterprise today.

What happens if a customer needs a replacement appliance? Symantec will continue to provide Tech Support services and bug fixes during the Limited Support period from the End of Life date until November 5, for customers with active maintenance.


Which products are impacted? There is no Partial Support period symamtec this product. Those who require advanced network access control capabilities should speak to their current network device providers whose products may have already incorporated this technology.

symantec snac

What happens if a customer needs replacement components? Customers will have to maintain an active maintenance license for the appliance in order to access hardware warranty support through Symantec.

Integrating Symantec Network Access Control (SNAC) with Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM)

If symantef are still under the 3-year hardware warranty period post EOL, they can contact Symantec Tech Support to open a case to get a replacement appliance. What is Symantec announcing? Please refer to the EOL timeline below. Will we be migrating customers to other Symantec solutions? Will free entitlements be provided?

symantec snac

If the customers are still under the 3-year hardware warranty period post EOL and needs replacement components such as motherboard, memory, hard drive, etc. The following products will begin the End of Life process: Will there be migration services offered?

At Symantec, we actively monitor security threats and trends in the industry, and after careful review and consideration, we have made the decision to End of Life EOL Symantec Network Access Control.


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